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Admission Brochure 

Online Application System

1. Application Period

※ Online application: September 26, 2022 - October 19, 2022, 5:00 pm (Taiwan time). Late applications will NOT be processed.

2. How to Apply

Step 1: Apply Online
Step 2: Pay Application Fee
Step 3: Submit your Application Online

3. The applicants must qualify as international students pursuant to MOE Regulations Regarding “International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.”

4. After October 26, 2022, incomplete applications, or applications with one of the following situations will be considered as invalid and will not be processed, and the applicants will be held solely responsible.:

*Those who have not registered online or fail to complete the whole application.

*Those who have not paid the application fee.

*Those who have not uploaded all the required documents will not be notified to make corrections after October 26, 2022. Applicants shall not request to re-upload documents or make corrections afterwards.

*Those who send the application to NCCU by post, but did not submit application online. 

 5. 2023 Spring admission is only applicable to degree-seeking postgraduate students. Please refer to page 24 of the admission brochure for Spring admission guidelines.

 6. Admission for Fall 2023 is divided into 2 rounds. Round-2 Admission period begins from February 16 to March 22, 2023 Departments/Programs/Graduate Institutes that are not available in Round-1 Admission will be open for applications during Round-2 Admission.

Available programs for Round-1 Admission

Available programs for Round-2 Admission

7. If the applicants have questions regarding the admission result, please contact the department/program/graduate institution directly.

8. 2023 Spring admission is only applicable to degree-seeking postgraduate students. Those who wish to
apply for admission in Spring semester must submit their declaration form to the application system within
respective registration deadlines. Late submission will not proceed. To enroll in 2023 Spring semester,
students must present verified diploma (the graduation date should be no later than January 31, 2023),
transcript and related documents before February 10, 2023. And they must pay the tuition fee within
payment deadlines. Those who fail to comply with the requirements, or are not qualified to apply for
Spring admission, have to enroll in the Fall semester of 2023 instead.


審查方式Admission Criteria-資料審查Review of Application Materials
Telephone or online interview might be required.

1.具兩種外語高級能力者優先考慮。Applicants who demonstrate advanced proficiency in two foreign languages will be given priority for admission.

2.應另上傳資料 Additional Application Materials

a.中文自傳 Autobiography in Chinese

b.研究計畫(中文) Research proposal (in Chinese)

c.相關學術論著(或獲獎之文藝創作及證明) Related academic publications (or awarded literary works and certificates)

d.中文能力證明(詳如上述) Proof of Chinese language proficiency (as stated above)

3.繳交之外文資料,請檢附中文譯本乙份 Should there be any application materials written in language other than Chinese, please enclose a Chinese translation.

4.視需要舉行電話或線上訪談 Telephone or online interview might be required.

5.符合提前入學資格者,得申請 112 年 2 月提前入學。Those who are eligible can choose to start their study at NCCU in Feb. 2023 instead of Sep. 2023.


審查方式Admission Criteria-資料審查Review of Application Materials
Telephone or online interview might be required.

1.具兩種外語高級能力者優先考慮。Applicants who demonstrate advanced proficiency in two foreign languages will be given priority for admission.

2.應另上傳資料 Additional Application Materials

a.中文自傳 Autobiography in Chinese

b.研究計畫(中文) Research proposal (in Chinese)

c.相關學術論著(或獲獎之文藝創作及證明) Related academic publications (or awarded literary works and certificates)

d.中文能力證明(詳如上述) Proof of Chinese language proficiency (as stated above)

3.繳交之外文資料,請檢附中文譯本乙份 Should there be any application materials written in language other than Chinese, please enclose a Chinese translation.

4.視需要舉行電話或線上訪談 Telephone or online interview might be required.

5.符合提前入學資格者,得申請 112 年 2 月提前入學。Those who are eligible can choose to start their study at NCCU in Feb. 2023 instead of Sep. 2023.

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